
first of all, before i do anything else i wanna give a BIG UP to Zerjon n Nina - the two people u will see perform on the video below this text. Zerjon n Nina r true inspirations and rolemodels for all dancers in Gothenburg, if not all over Sweden, and if anyone says anything else it's because of jealosy - period.
both of them has been a major inspiration source for me during my years of dancing. i will never forget they joy we all shared during classes and performances! reminiscing the years, i am so happy n joyful that i experienced all that i did during those years; laughing, enjoying, gettin new friends and most of all of course - dancing.
these two people with passion and love for dancing just brings me so much joy to look at! this performance is very special to me cause first of all the tune is massive - i love love love it, second of all cause of how they perform and also the connection between these amazing individuals. it's just magical to me ♥
what would i do without music, lovely love of my life ♥
only you and me know baby, n that's all that matters :) ♥
this mornin i actually woke up first time at 9am, wow. rollin around for like 10 something minutes, n then fell back to sleep n woke up at 10am. looked out, the sun was shinin briiiiight so i decided to place the duvet over my head n roll next to the wall to escape from the sun n luckely i fell back to sleep for another hour haha. loooooong time ago that happened, vic went out of bed at 11am? brapbrapbraaaaaap that's what i call a day off :)
aaaanyways, after doin laundry n other necessary stuff that needs to be done when ur off work, i just had a looong shower n now i'm gonna make myself a pancake breakfast :D yay!

after breakfast i'm going to Westfield in Stratford! i am sooo gonna enjoy my day off haha truuuust.
earlier today when i was on the train on my way home from work, a girl was sitting next to me listening to arabic music - yes i heard it loud n clear while reading my book hehe. anyway, i've now been sitting tryin to find something nice n soothing and came cross this mix on youtube;
i really enjoy it, if u close ur eyes it takes u to a magical place..
(yes i do have awesome imagination i know)


how amazing it was to spend a lovely sunny summer day in the park ♥
i'm sittin here by myself in our flat, listening to music n thinkin bout life a lil bit.. it's weird when i think of everything, how my life turned out since i moved to London - how everything changed for the better.
i've been here for more or less 14 months now, moved here 23rd of february 2012. since then time has passed quiiiiiiick, trust. sometimes it feels like i just moved here, n sometimes it feels like i've been here a lifetime.. i do love living here, otherwise i wouldn't have stayed for this long already.
my first year here has been a true blessing! i got a job after already 2 weeks at this amazing salon where i still work, i lived with some of the best swedish rude gyals n boys on the planet in west London, i met the love of my life and sooo many new amazing friends! now me n my homegyal Julie have our own flat in our lovely Tottenham (ehumm) hahahaha. nah seriously, i love it! ♥ couldn't be more happy.