
MYGOD! this tune n the lyric, i'm tellin u - it's WICKED!!!!!! since the day Evanescence released it it's been one of my favourites, so here u have the original n the acapella cover from two of the Cherish girls- AMAZING!

the piano, amaziiiiiing
locas ♥




last nite was really awesome actually. not that we did anything unusual, lol always sundays in brick lane at big chill :D but it was something that was changed, really can't explain it.. i got drunk as hell though, julia n me had some tequila shots - we shouldn't have but well what can u do :D

today i've been off work as usual, i'm always off on mondays cause the salon is closed (thank god for that i've been sooooooooo hungover today, stupid alcohol :P) but i'm also off tomorrow, wuho! it's gonna be so nice! not that i'm gonna do anything in particular, just chill but still.. nice to have two days off i a row :) so tonite it's all about them movies lol, just relaxing n stuff (rehab looooool) - AWESOME! :)♥

cosy tiiiiiime!


FÖRLÅT MIG alla mina små gäddor! jag är såååå ledsen att bloggen blivit lidande av mitt för tillfälligt cp stressade liv i London, haha. men tiden går så fort, jobbar hela tiden o e så jävla trött o när ja har time off så e de stress iväg nånstans o blablablablaaa whatever.

anyways e ja här nu haha ska försöka uppdatera en gång om dagen iaf, inte bloggat på typ 2-3 veckor o statistiken har hållt i sig, vilket ja gillar för det visar att ni e nyfikna o vill höra skvaller om alla tokigheter som sker här borta ;)

i think that i'm gonna start write a bit in english from time to time so that everyone can understand me from now on, lol. i got some sneaky peeps over here aswell that wants to know what i'm up to loooool! u have to excuse my spelling sometimes though, haters let me know when i mess up okej? ;)

myself n Nanna ♥


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